Education of the Enterostomal Therapist Nurse and SOBEST/WCET Accreditation

Education of the Enterostomal Therapist Nurse

The nurse interested in taking a postgraduate course in nursing in Enterostomal Therapy must select those that are properly accredited by SOBEST/WCET or those which project is in analysis phase.

These programs are theoretical and practical, and must be in accordance with the requirements established by WCET®. They are still submitted to a careful analysis by the commission appointed by the SOBEST® Department of Education, to receive the necessary adjustments for accreditation with the WCET®.

After the regulation of content and beginning of course activities, a SOBEST visit is scheduled to evaluate the course general structure: internship fields, meeting with coordination and students, library, laboratories, etc.

Since 2011, on the IX Brazilian Congress of Enterostomal Therapy, the o WCET® awarded the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). From that moment on, WCET® automatically recognizes all courses accredited by SOBEST®.

Cursos de estomaterapia de universidades acreditadas garantem o cumprimento das exigências do WCET® e os alunos egressos são reconhecidos como estomaterapeutas junto à SOBEST® e portanto poderão se associar como MEMBRO PLENO ou candidatar-se ao título de especialista – Ti[SOBEST], título esse concedido única e exclusivamente pela SOBEST®  e também pode solicitar sua certificação internacional. Esta certificação é um grande diferencial da especialidade.

Students graduated before accreditation start having the right to enter for the TiSOBEST contest as soon as accreditation is recognized by WCET®.®.

Information on courses operation (course load, start and end dates, offering system, etc.) must be obtained directly from universities.

Any other doubts regarding the enterostomal therapist nurse educational process must be sent to: [email protected].

SOBEST/WCET Accreditation

In Brazil, Specialization Courses in Enterostomal Therapy are recommended to be accredited by the Brazilian Association of Enterostomal Therapy (SOBEST®). Since 2011, on the IX Brazilian Congress of Enterostomal Therapy, the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET®) awarded the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). From that moment on, the WCET® automatically recognizes all courses accredited by SOBEST®.
For other specialization courses to be offered, the current educational norms established by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Latu Senso courses, the curriculum guidelines established by the WCET® and SOBEST® instructions must be followed.

SOBEST® currently has available curricular guidance, as well as offers counselling and consultancy for educational institutions interested in implementing Nursing Courses on Enterostomal Therapy. Such instructions must be directly requested with the SOBEST® Department of Education.

The accreditation proposed by SOBEST®/WCET® aims mainly at assuring an education with international standards based on qualified training of the specialist.

After initial accreditation, the courses go through continuous evaluation and analysis and when accredited by SOBEST®/WCET®, they receive international certification.


Selo de Qualidade - Cursos Acreditados SOBEST®

Guidelines for the WCET Certification

Upon request, the WCET will provide the graduated students with Specialist certificates in Nursing in Enterostomal Therapy (ETNEP) from courses approved by the WCET. To request certificates, the course coordinator must fill in the form below and send it to the President of WCET Education Committee by email to: [email protected].

The provided details will be verified against WCET records for the program. Approved certificates will be sent directly to the program director (or appointed representative) in PDF format via email.


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