Education Department

The Education Department (ED) of the Brazilian Association of Enterostomal Therapy (SOBEST®) guides and supervises the Enterostomal Therapy Nursing Education Programs - ETNEP, in accordance with the criteria established by WCET / SOBEST besides implementing and maintaining educational activities in the three areas of specialty scope.

The ED is subordinated to the SOBEST Scientific Committee and among its premises values the Enterostomal Therapy Nurse (ETN) training with the best quality and based in an ethical culture.

The department is also responsible for guiding the accredited or in accreditation process ETNEPs or even guiding the education institutions interested in their development to achieve the compliance with WCET / SOBEST recommendations.

Thus, the ED guides and assesses the ETNEPs pedagogical projects issuing reports to accomplish or redo accreditation.

Membros do Departamento de Educação da Gestão 2024-2026

Dra. Ana Lúcia da Silva – Enfermeira Estomaterapeuta TiSOBEST (DF)
Diretora do Departamento de Educação


Dra. Eline Lima Borges – Enfermeira Estomaterapeuta TiSOBEST (MG)
Dra. Isabel Cristina Ramos Vieira Santos – Enfermeira Estomaterapeuta TiSOBEST (PE)
Dra. Ana Rotilia Erzinger – Enfermeira Estomaterapeuta TiSOBEST (PR)
Dra. Maria Angela Boccara de Paula – Enfermeira Estomaterapeuta TiSOBEST (SP)

For further information, write to: [email protected]


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