History of SOBEST

Was created the “Group of Clinical Interest in Enterostomal Therapy”, predecessor of SOBEST.
The First Enterostomal Therapy Nursing Education Program (ETNEP) in Brazil startes in the School of Nursing at the University of São Paulo (USP®), coordinated by Vera Lucia Conceição de Gouveia Santos, PhD, RN, ETN [TiSOBEST Emerit].
Brazilian Association of Enterostomal Therapy (SOBEST®) foundation was on December 4th, at the Oswaldo Cruz German Hospital, in São Paulo.
It was realized the first Brazilian Congress of Enterostomal Therapy (Guarujá - SP).
The WCET® establishes the need of unifying the theoretical and practical program of the Enterostomal Therapy Nursing Education Programs (ETNEPs) and starts to certify its courses worldwide.
Primeiro TiSOBEST® e Lançamento da Revista Estima.
Primeira prova por concurso para título de especialista em estomaterapia TiSOBEST® e aquisição da sede SOBEST® na cidade de São Paulo.
SOBEST® has a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with WCET® to recognize enterostomal therapy nursing education programs (ETNEPs) in Brazil.
The National Board starts to be formed by Departments, such as Education, Professional Development, Communication and Marketing, International, and the Regional Sections.
It was realized the first Online SOBEST® Congress of Enterostomal Therapy.
On February 21st, SOBEST® was awarded with a bronze medal in one of the most prestigious international events on wound care, the o JWC WUWHS AWARDS (Journal of Wound Care – World Union of Wound Healing Societies) in the Most Progressive Society category.
A SOBEST® mais uma vez é reconhecida como a Sociedade mais progressista pelo Journal of Wound Care – World Union of Wound Healing Societies - JWC WUWHS, em uma escalada do bronze em 2021 para a condecoração de prata em 2022. A premiação aconteceu em Abu Dhabi no evento do WUWHS 2022. Um reconhecimento pelos esforços individuais e coletivos que levam à visibilidade a SOBEST® como órgão de representação dos estomaterapeutas brasileiros.

Predecessor Nurses in Enterostomal Therapy in Brazil:

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Gelse Mary Zerbeto

Graduated from the MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, at the University of Texas - USA.

Eloísa Roncaratti

Eloisa Roncaratti

Graduated from the Cleveland Clinic Hospital, Ohaio – USA.

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Lauma Paegle

Graduated from Cleveland Clinic Hospital, Florida – EUA.

Vera Lúcia Gouveia dos Santos

Vera Lucia Conceição de Gouveia Santos

Graduated from the Escuela de Enfermeria e Podologia de La Universidad Complutense de Madri, Spain.

Maria Euridéia de Castro

Maria Euridéia de Castro

Graduated from the Universidad Publica de Navarra, Pamplona – Spain.

Sônia Dias

Sônia Maria Dias

Graduated from the Universidad Del Vale, Cali – Colombia, 1989.

SOBEST Founding Members (December 4th, 1992)

Afonso Henrique da Silva e Sousa Junior

Ana Junko Yamada Shido

Angélica Moreira Ribeiro

Cecília Aparecida Rodrigues de Melo

Cecília Satiko Imakado Nishida

Eloisa Roncaratti

Idaty Prado Godoy

Isabel Umbelina Ribeiro Cezareti

Lenira Simão Tavares Tereza

Lidia Gomes Costa Pinheiro Chagas

Luzia Gonçalves

Marcia Justina Filippin

Maria da Glória Silva Gordo Marcondes

Maria das Graças Leite

Maria de Fátima Oliver de Oliveira

Maria do Socorro Oliveira

Maria Emília Gaspar Ferreira

Miriam Hioko Suguimoto

Néria Invernizzi da Silveira

Neusa Maria Viana

Noemi Marisa Brunet Rogensky

Roberta Rossi Rodrigues

Rosane Duarte

Sônia Maria Dias

Vera Lucia Conceição de Gouveia Santos

Zaíra Benedim

SOBEST First board (1993-1994)

President: Vera Lúcia Conceição de Gouveia Santos
Vice-President: Margareth Linhares Martins
First Secretary: Cecília Satiko Imakado Nishida
Assistant Secretary: Roberta Rossi Rodrigues e Maria da Glória Silva Gordo Marcondes
Treasurer: Noemi Marisa Brunet Rogenski (até 31.12.93) e Márcia Justina Filipin (a partir de 01.01.94)

Scientific Board
Sônia Maria Dias (Diretor)
Isabel Umbelina Ribeiro Cesaretti
Márcia Justina Filipin (até 31/12/1993)

Fiscal Council
Luzia Gonçalves
Maria de Fátima Olivar de Oliveira
Zaíra Benedim


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