Ethics Committee

It is with great satisfaction that the Brazilian Association of Enterostomal Therapy - SOBEST presents the ethical guidelines for the Exercise of Nursing in Enterostomal Therapy. The document is a result of the growth the specialty in the country and the professional demands. Sobest aims to contribute to the direction of ethical professional behaviors in the Enterostomal Therapy scope areas in Brazil, thus favoring the breadth of spaces for the specialist as well as maintaining and increasing its credibility in the social context. This document signals important specific ethical issues without exhausting them. It also representes na revelavnt step for the speciality. Rights and duties make up professional practice and are always in life and history build up daily. We wish this document is part of your professional daily life.

Dra Sônia Regina Pérez Evangelista Dantas
Enfermeira Estomaterapeuta – TiSOBEST
Presidente SOBEST Gestão 2021-2023

Members of the Ethics Commission 2021-2023 Term

Dr. Juliano Teixeira Moraes – Enfermeiro Estomaterapeuta TiSOBEST
Dra. Rita de Cássia Domansky – Enfermeira Estomaterapeuta TiSOBEST
Dra. Maria Angela Boccara de Paula – Enfermeira Estomaterapeuta TiSOBEST (Emérito)
Dra. Ana Lúcia da Silva – Enfermeira Estomaterapeuta TiSOBEST
Dra. Claudia Daniella Avelino Vasconcelos Benício – Enfermeira Estomaterapeuta

For further information, write to: [email protected]


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