WCET – Warmest congratulations to your new 2021-2023 board

WCET - Warmest congratulations to your new board

Dear Brazilian Enterostomal Therapy Association (SOBEST) Colleagues,

We hope that 2021 is off to a good start for you. Truly after the unprecedented year of 2020, we are all looking forward to a new and better year.

Today is the day that SOBEST will be installing its new officers. This is an exciting moment filled with anticipation and hope. WCET® Wishes your new officers all the best as they assume the leadership of your association.

Warmest congratulations to your new 2021-2023 board:

President – Sônia Regina Pérez Evangelista Dantas

Vice-President – Ednalda Maria Franck
First secretary – Mariana Alves Bandeira
Assistant secretary – Magali Thum
Treasurer – Rosa Takako Eguchi
Assistant treasurer – Soraia Rizzo
Scientific Council – Mônica Costa Ricarte, Rosangela Oliveira, Silvia Angélica Jorge, Luís Rafael Leite Sampaio, Gisela Assis
Fiscal Council – Pollyanna Santos Carneiro da Silva, Roseanne Montargil Rocha, Alcione de Jesus Gonçalves Santana
Education Department– Juliano Teixeira Moraes
Assistants: Ana Rotília Erzinger, Eliane Lima Borges, Isabel Cristina Ramos Vieira Santos
Professional Development – Fernanda Mateus Queiroz Schmidt Assessoras: Angélica Olivetto de Almeida, Juliany Lino Gomes Silva, Michele Neves Brajão Rocha
Marketing and Communication Dep – Adriane Aparecida Costa Faresin
Assessores: Elaine Cristina Ferreira Ianni, Edson Maruyama Diniz, Eliane Serafim Sponton
International Relations Dep – Vera Lúcia C. de Gouveia Santos
Assessora: Carol Viviana Serna Gonzales
Sectional Relations Dep. – Sandra Marina Gonçalves Bezerra
Assessora: Cristina Gomes Barbosa

Please be assured that WCET® looks forward to our continued relationship and furthering our collaboration.  Please remember to alert your members that the WCET® Journal is available in Portuguese. We hope that 2021 brings good fortune to your association and best of health to all. Be safe during this COVID pandemic. Congratulations again and we look forward to working with you in 2021 and beyond.


Elizabeth A. Ayello
WCET® President 2020-2022

Laurent O. Chabal
WCET® President Elect 2020-2022


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